Saturday, April 29, 2006

"Swine of the Times" in Harper's

I wanted to recommend the May issue of Harper's, which includes a great article "Swine of the Times" on the pork industry. All I can say is, these ain't no charmin' motherf***in' pigs (through no fault of their own, of course). The author is Nathanael Johnson, a friend and a very good writer. So, grab the magazine off the newstands and check it out.


Nicole said...

I'm reading this article at the moment. I'm not through with it. But maybe you could mention to Nathanael that I no longer want to eat bacon. Not because I'm against eating meat. I just can't get behind this hog farming stuff. It's disgusting.

Also, can you tell me if he's affiliated with PETA at all? I really don't like PETA. I'm not sure I could support Nathanael if he's associated with them.

Unknown said...

When I see Nate next, I'll tell him about your comment. AFAIK, he's not at all affiliated with PETA.